Our last Arthritis Support Group Meeting, May 5th, was great for everybody. Chris Wollitz, Pharmacy Manager at Walgreens on Bloxam Ave. & Hwy. 50, Clermont, was our special guest speaker. All the members and Chris sat casually around the table and it was very informal / comfortable. Good questions were asked and Chris gave important information about medications and supplements / herbs that might clash with each other. He also discussed different types of pain relievers too. We gave him a framed appreciation award from our group and a couple of chick-fil-a coupons for a free lunch. He really enjoyed the gift. Later that week Chris told me how much it helped him to meet people with arthritis "in person" not just over the pharmacy counter everyday at work. It gave him a better insight about his clients at the pharmacy. Nice.
Yes, the core membership of our support group is supportive with our new name change, "Arthritis Support Group of South Lake County." They also had many ideas on how the group can continue - such as finances - pass the basket each meeting (no requirement just a dollar if possible) to pay for ink cartridges, postage, paper, flowers or cards when someone gets sick, a similar brochure to pass out to people and doctors offices in area, and small support group meeting announcement cards (postcard or business card size that all members can use to share with others.)
Jane wants to continue with an "Out Reach" approach toward the community by sending brochures and meeting announcements to doctors' offices and clinics.
"I think we should start an Out Reach which the brochures and make sure they are send to doctors' offices. That's where the people with Arthritis are and they don't know what to do for themselves. We can get the message out to them there." - Jane Perkins, ASG - SLC Member
All members agreed to continue with special guest speakers. We will compile a list and vote on the next guest speaker and then invite the person to come visit us.
I asked if the group would like to have one of our meetings in the summer at the NTC pool and spend time to learn aquatic exercise during that meeting. I am hoping to get permission from NTC to bring the Arthritis Support Group members to the pool for one meeting this summer. Wee, a field trip that we all would love! Maybe we could all bring a "finger-food" snack that day to munch on before we climb into the pool. Maybe we could get one of the physical therapists from NTC / Rehab Services to speak that day then demonstrate water exercises to the group. I will check into this possibility.
The group also considered putting together a tri-fold brochure instead of a long newsletter for our group, the purpose and description about our group and some newsy stuff. A couple of businesses in the area can be included as advertisements so we can absorb the costs for this valuable communication tool.
"Can you tell me what we are trying to do with the renamed group? Yes, it is to promote and exchange knowledge amongst sufferers and their friends and families. But are we still trying to get the library, pool, and whatever else we need?" -Mario Lay, ASG-SLC Member
Yes, the group and its goals remain the same only the name has been changed.
In the future we hope to create an Arthritis Resource Library Center in Clermont and work toward an indoor pool for the community. We are filling out an application for a grant to be sent in next fall 2006 to start the Arthritis Resource Library.
Speaking of needing a new indoor pool - Women, men and children with chronic physical conditions would benefit tremendously with indoor pool aquatic therapy. The indoor pool, Jacuzzi /whirlpool, handicap chair lift and aquatic physical therapy with controlled water temperature will help improve their quality of life. South Lake Hospital hopefully will reach an understanding that South Lake County needs this service for their patients as a treatment option. Hospice, Special Olympics and NTC Sports Training and Rehabilitation all would benefit from an indoor pool facility at the National Training Center, Clermont, which is operated by South Lake Hospital (ORMC).
Our Arthritis Support Group core membership is strong, dedicated and growing every time we meet.
I am excited about what the future holds for each member and our support group as a whole. The possibilities can be endless while we stay open minded, continue to share, support and educate each other when we gather together at the NTC monthly. Life is precious to us and we understand when one of us becomes depressed or needs a hug when we are together at our meetings. We want to take control of our lives and not let Arthritis take control of us!
When attending an Arthritis Support Group of Lake County meeting we immediately feel at home because we are with others that understand us. The women and men in our support group are going through the same situations and are dealing with similar issues of Arthritis with themselves or with their family and friends.

Our membership for the Arthritis Support Group of South Lake County is open to people with Arthritis (there are more than 100 types of Arthritis!), family members and friends of those affected by Arthritis. The medical community is welcome to visit our meetings too.
Warmest Regards to all,
Meg King, Volunteer Arthritis Support Group Leader
1 comment:
My name is Dianne Herivel and I am beginning a one year internship at a large arthritis clinic in Seattle, WA. There is a paucity of arthritis support groups in this area and I am interested in helping patients find/start a group or groups. I have just received my MS in Marriage and Family Therapy and am currently pursuing certification in Medical Family Therapy. It looks like you folks have found a successful formula for maintaining a positive support group. I would be very interested in communicating with anyone from your group who might have time and would care to offer suggestions so we don't "re-invent the wheel". Thanks for your time and attention.
Dianne Herivel, MS, MFT
The Seattle Arthritis Clinic
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